Monday, 4 July 2016

Nadienka's Naramata Bench Press Blues: July 4th!

English usage is sometimes more than mere taste, judgment, and education -- sometimes it’s sheer luck, like getting across the street. -E.B. White, writer (1899-1985)

I would be more than happy to support your cause and will go to the Facebook page to do so. I wish you many happy trouble and carefree miles! Cheers, Al

Hi Flash! Trust you are all well! Just wanted to thank you for your more than generous donation! Certainly much appreciated so thanks so much!!! Busy time here as we are just back from three weeks in Manitoba where we celebrated Rosita's and Dusty's 71st wedding anniversary. Ayn flew up from Tinsel Town and Chloë is there now. Nicole Sutherland and her son Jaxon, 11 months, arrived yesterday, along with Nadia, our former Swiss boarder, 2010, en route to Australia. They are here until Wednesday and then Big Al and Coleen hit town on Friday as part of my GF support team!

Off to wine-taste in Naramatia after brunch. So many new wineries! Chloë was here, house-sitting, while we were at Falcon Lake, and she has been to scads that I'd not even heard about! Thought of you folk as we drove past Christina Lake, coming and going. Are you back this way? Please consider a night or two if so. We need a new broom as well! Just kidding but it has been used to much good effect ever since you presented us with it so thanks for that as well! Fondestos from Lady Dar to you and your Sisterhood. Hope to see you soon. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: Burns Street Gym this morning!

Just so that you know your money is well invested, have had a couple of very good training rides over last few days, if interested.

Hi again Grog! Had a good trip back from Medicine Hat although I left my electric toothbrush there. Fortunately, our host, Zircon, (aka as Jim), will be visiting in August so I'll have him bring it out. Until then I'm using willow twigs. With respect to cameras, in fact, I'm waiting for the mail, but hope it is not to receive a speeding ticket!  My Visa card must have fallen out of my pocket at the Fas Gas in Frank Slide as when I called the gas station, shortly after we arrived back in Penticton, Amber told me it was sitting on the counter beside her. She said her boss would mail it to me and call to let me know he has done so! Since it was there, I decided I'd rather wait for it to arrive instead of cancelling it. Will call tomorrow as I've not heard from place yet but one way to restrain wine purchases!

Nicole Sutherland, (Flamin's/Sarge's youngest), and her son Jaxon, 11 months, arrived yesterday, along with Nadia, our former Swiss boarder, 2010, en route to Australia. They are here until Wednesday. After a late breakfast we went to Naramata and visited three wineries, Little Engine, Terravista and Bench 1775. Had a picnic at latter and the view from their gorgeous patio is simply stupendous. Chloë told us about it as we'd not been before. Too many wineries, too little time! Back home after late lunch as Jaxon needed a nap. So did The Goils!!!

A few minutes ago, The Sisterhood, along with Jaxon, went for a walk, along Penticton Creek, to stroll downtown and along the lakeshore boardwalk. Gang will probably go south, towards OK Falls/Oliver tomorrow and I will take my bike, on rack, and have them drop me off on Black Sage Road as I want to do the loop back from there, towards Osoyoos. Then onto 97 to kick over, slightly before Oliver, to Fairview Mountain. Last, longest and steepest climb of event before one climbs steadily, in a series of plateaus, towards St Andrews by the Lake, a very pretty golf resort, then dropping back to 97, near Kaleden, and then back into Penticton. Roughly 80 km, depending on how I feel and how many intervening dipsy-doodles I feel inclined to make. I did 100 km on Friday and 115 km yesterday so am gradually tapering my rides over the course of this coming week. GranFondo, (160km), itself is this coming Sunday and forecast suggests it will be cooler, around 19º, mostly cloudy with possible showers. Don't really want any rain but cooler is definitely better!

Anyway, must away as I'm on deck for a salad. Hope we'll see you and Pam out here at some point. Until then, take care of yourselves and Buona Fortuna with Cabana Wars! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Pics: Jaxon, Nicolina, Nadienka and view from Little Engine, first stop; Jaxon with Benjamin at Terravista and The Dog Whisperer! Bench 1775 and view from patio where we had our picnic lunch with a bottle of their very tasty Sauvignon Blanc!

Hi again, Night Manager! You didn't mention it in your Canada Day message so not sure if you have discovered my electric toothbrush in the guest bedroom! Until you visit, I'm using willow twigs! Take care of yourself and Buona Fortuna with TripAdvisor! Cheers, Patrizzio! 

Hi Patrick, I am officially on your honour roll and somehow I feel privileged. I managed to weave my way through the complexities of the interweb and get the donation through. Goodness me you guys certainly get around we on the other hand are living speparat lives. Claire has been in Perth in West Aussie looking after her daughter with a few personal problems whilst I have been on the east coast looking after our dog. I think I got the easier task somehow.

Planning for the big 60th is all but complete catering booked, the string quartet booked, drunks organised and accommodation in place for the visitors all we need now is for Claire to be in town when it all happens on the 30th so fingers crossed. We were hoping to get away in the new caravan but this is all on hold for the next little while. I am just working to stay occupied writing training material and liaising with industry to make sure the company meets their needs so all pretty good.

We are still hoping to get to Europe next year and at this point not quite sure what we will be doing though a boat trip from Amsterdam to Budapest in December is an option apparently the winter markets and the festivals along the way are pretty good rather than just the normal July stuff . We shall see, depends a bit on dog minding options as to what time of year, how long and the activities we might do. Will keep in touch enjoy the ride. Cheers Greg and Claire

Hello Honour Roll, Dwelling Apart Person! Thank you so much for your more than generous donation! Certainly much appreciated!!! Obviously, glad you were able to navigate the interweb successfully. Guess I'll have to send you the solid platinum medal one receives when one completes the GranFondo! I'll make sure I bring it along if we end up coming to Europe next year. Will know more after August 10th as I meet with my orthopedic surgeon then and should have a date for left-hip replacement after consultation. I'm hoping surgery will take place in early November so that three month recovery period will allow me to travel after March/April 2017, all things going well.

Sorry to hear that Claire's daughter is struggling. Difficult situation. However, pleased to learn that arrangements for 60th are going so well. Perhaps I should bring invaluable medal as a present! Thanks again for great support. Fondestos from Lady Dar to both west and east coast! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi all, Long time, no hike! This Thursday, let’s go and conquer Sheep Rock. We will: -gather at 0800 at Home Hardware north parking lot -carpool and make or way to the trailhead. We will take the km4 turnoff to Brent Mountain and begin at the Sheep Rock area. (I don’t know the condition of the road, so this may be subject to change) -hike to Sheep Rock, hopefully both knolls. -return -have debriefing and refreshments at a place to be decided.I f you are interested, please let me know via return. I would appreciate it. Cheers, Jim

Dear Patrick, William Dempster just made a donation in support of your Event. Your team is now one step closer to your fundraising goal! Hi again, Wild Bill! Thanks so much for your generous donation. Certainly greatly appreciated so thanks again. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you William. Cheers, Patrizzio!


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