The man dies in all who keep silent in the face of tyranny. -Wole Soyinka, playwright, poet, Nobel laureate (b. 13 Jul 1934)
Hi Polly! Trust you and Mick are well. Just wanted to thank you again for your generous donation. Very, very much appreciated! Today our visitors will go swimming at the water park in the lake near SS Sicamous while I plan to go for a longish ride, up Seacrest Hill, just before Oliver and a brutal climb in the Velocefondo, (126 km), a new event in the GF this year. I've done it a number of times so know what is in store for me!
We hosted a couple of tables of bridge last evening, most of the players are from the hiking group, so you can do both when you visit next! Are you going to the Folk Fest this weekend? If so, let's try and meet at some point. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Bridge last night: Lady Dar, Agneta, Spumoni. Olga Polga, Jack Rabbit and Phillipo, (last two are fellow Brits), and Nala, their daughter's wonderful pooch!
Hello Summerlandia! Trust you are both well, Josinta and Pearly Whites! As you know, we hosted a couple of tables of bridge last evening. Agneta plays so she was delighted to meet rest of gang. "Dummy" moved from table to table. You were missed Jos! We will give you a shout, at some point today, just to confirm some of travel details. (Per esempio, do you have lights for your bikes as it will be dark by the time we ride back to where we are staying. I have extras if needs be so but just let me know.) Fondestos from Lady Dar to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Sarge! Trust everyone is well. I think everything is set for your stay on Saturday. Will leave Jaxon's ball on top of tickets for Poplar Grove on kitchen island counter. May give you a shout this evening just to confirm everything. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you and Flamin'. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick, Congratulations and what a wonderful experience :) I really enjoyed reading all about your GF. What a great day you had! I am currently trying to get my annual
house cleaning done. Three bedrooms are done. Will work toward the
living room, dining room and kitchen tomorrow. Cobwebs are coming down
and light fixtures are getting cleaned. I hate
doing this, but it feels better when it is done. Had a nice week at Christina Lake last week. So not as though I haven't had some holiday time. Congrats on your fantastic GF and your fundraising! Take care, Ariane
Hi House Cleaning Woman! Trust you and family are well. I think you have probably expended more energy cleaning that I did on my ride! You are the one who deserves congratulations!!! Glad your stay at Christina Lake went well. Had a note from Peter and now he and Gemma won't be here until around Christmas time. At this point, not sure if we will be here or not as Ayn would like us to come to LA. Will know more as our travel plans evolve. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you, Ariane. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Clearing up and sorting things - found this. 34 years ago. I remember I was especially touched about the words about always remaining cheerful. It gave me a new look upon myself, much more positive than the one my own family had given me. It made a differencen, which stayed with me ever since. That's why I kept this special greeting. Thank you.

Awesome time Patrick..good on you for doing so well..see all of you in a couple of weeks..cheers Ken
By the time I'd watched the nail-biting finish to Stage 11 of the Tour, (Carcassonne to Montpellier so we have driven much of this countryside and I have cycled some of the roads around Pézanas so it was wonderful to see this part of France, [Minervois/Languedoc-Rousillon], again!), fueled up, lubed up and suited up, it was around 11:30 am. AccuWeather said wind was 7 kph N at 11:00 am but by the time I'd done the PTC/Lakeshore/Riverside Loop and was climbing Vancouver Aeolus had shifted direction to 11 kph SSW. Just what I needed on Eastside as I made my way to McLean Creek. Not much resistance on the climb but once back on the flat of the valley floor I had to fight it once again.
However, certainly enjoyed the swoop down into OK Falls and once on 97 the cross-wind wasn't too, too punishing. When I made the turn-off to Seacrest Hill Road I had clocked about 51 km with an AVG of about 23 kph so was very pleased. Knew this would drop on the punishing climb but once that was out of the way and I was on Willowbrook Road the wind had dropped to 7 kph but now it had changed direction, yet again and was now blowing out of the north! Still, I made pretty good headway and was soon at the community of Willowbrook itself. Rode around the horseshoe road which rings it as I wanted as much distance as I could squeeze from the route. A sign there told me it was 7 km to See Ya Later Ranch and that was my next goal as the descent from there was what I was looking forward to.
Had close to 69 km on the odometre when I raced down "The Wall", the name this hill has been given when one climbs it. Literally hurtled along as my Garmin stats show that I reached 77.5 kph, best time ever for me! However, to put that into perspective, the Tour riders clocked around 71 kph on the flat, at some points, today! At any rate, when I reached OK Falls I knew I'd need about 5 km more so did the Stag's Hollow loop to register about 82 km on the clock when I was back on Eastside, just out of OK Falls. Not too, too much difficulty making the only significant climb on the way back, about 3 km from OK Falls and then shortly thereafter one swooshes down past McLean Creek Road.
The wind now was going to be a significant factor and according to AccuWeather it was blowing at between 4 kph N around 3:00 pm, increasing to 20 kph N at 4:00 pm. I left OK Falls around 2:30 pm so that is why the first 8 km was not such a struggle. I noticed a significant increase in resistance the closer I rode to Penticton and once on South Main the wind was really gusting. Still, I knew if I could persevere I'd log a decent AVG. Bit of help up along Dawson so I appreciated that brief respite and then it was back to battling when I was on Government. Still, all the traffic lights went my way and I was soon clipping along with my 22.2 kph AVG intact as I made the left turn onto White. Needed a bit more distance so I raced down to Van Horne before turning around to swing into our garage driveway and I was home! Felt pretty chuffed to have done much of the Velocofondo route, Seacrest being the true punisher! Now I can enjoy the coming Folk Fest weekend when we'll probably only have time for short "commuter" rides. Map and Stats for ride:
Hi Patrick We are visiting with friends on Mayne Island, back later today. Have messaged Laura to ask James to save stage 9 of the tour if he hasn't already deleted it. Are your friends bridge players? If so, can we find 2 others to play tomorrow. Just wondering if you carry a dictaphone while you are riding? Can't believe such details about your ride! And did you ask us to sponsor - can't remember donating!? See you tomorrow. Elaine
Hi Elaine! Trust you enjoyed Mayne Island. Thanks for asking James about Stage 9 but not to worry if he's already deleted it. Too, too depressing to watch anyway as the riders are truly incredible! You didn't donate but if you would like to do so, very much appreciated! No, I don't have a Dictaphone but I talk to myself as I ride to help me remember details! Second post-GF ride, today:
Jos plays bridge but not Aarturo. If you need people tomorrow evening perhaps Mick and Polly are free. Branko if you only need one player. Do you have their numbers? If not let me know and I'll send them along. We'd love to play, even if only one table. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you and Theodore. Agneta is taking us out to dinner at a wonderful Greek spot, (just a few blocks away, so we can walk), called Theo's. Simply terrific food so looking forward to meal! [We tried a 2012 Merlot from Intersection, just south of Oliver, 14.8%, that was fabuloso. Never been to the winery before but know both the winemaker and one of the owners. Plan to visit next time we are in that neck of the vineyards!] Sipping a 2015 Terravista Viognier, 14.2%, Naramata, while I'm waiting for The Babes to shower and beautify! See you domani! Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick, I don’t think I answered your latest epistle. All sounded fine in it; we will team up with you and Corrine on the 22nd late afternoon say around 5 or 6 pm. We will show up at your Burns St abode about that time - complete with a Costco case of TP! We can then formulate a plan for the eve with you and hope your appetite has returned. We are returning to Vancouver on the 23rd.
Just came back from Jericho Park and can report that everything is shaping up for you re the FF -bike stands, tents, fences etc. Just in case, here is our phone number. Cheers, Bill & Denise
Hi Guillermo Selvaggio and Dangereuse! Trust you are both well. You are more than welcome to come to The Burns Street Hot Sheets Hotel and Gin Joint before 5:00 pm. Here is the key code for back door. Former colleague of Lady Dar's, Julia Spaulding, is staying on Friday night as well, so probably a bbq at our place will work best. If you still want to provide dinner, T-Bones at 300 Riverside Drive is a great place. You may well know of other spots. Look forward to hearing all about your latest "discoveries" and catching up. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi champ, Are you ok with us arriving tomorrow night? Will you still be there to have the pleasure of our company?
Hi mate! Just checking we are ok for Friday and you got my email?? Hello Cornish/Scottish Freeloaders! You are more than welcome to come to The Burns Street Hot Sheets Hotel and Gin Joint tomorrow. We are off at noon so won't be here when you arrive. Lady Dar would like you to water the plants, back and front, late on Friday and Saturday, before you leave. Ask Chloë for details if you need to do so. Enjoy your stay. Cheers, Patrizzio! Quite the ride you!!! Thanks a bunch, we'll tend to your flora!! Shame we're going to miss you this time! Have fun at the folk fest ;)
Hello Stefano, et al! Trust everyone is well. Before I forget, Zoe and Matt, thank you for the lovely card and wonderful tea towels. The package came when we were in Winnipeg and Chloë told us it was waiting for us to return. Life simply intervened! At any rate, thank you both for both the delightful visit and the thoughtful gift!
Stefano, your message arrived shortly before we were off to dinner, in Naramatia, with Lynne and Peter, Sunday evening, post-GranFondo. Turns out that a visit before the long weekend in September would be best as Peter is away, on business, after that. Let us know if that works. Fondestos from Lady Dar to one and all. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Dinner this evening, last taken by Sasha!
Dear Patrick, Jo-Anne Naslund just made a donation in support of your Event. Your team is now one step closer to your fundraising goal! Thanks for the card. I hope your ride went well. Best wishes always Jo-Anne
Many thank you's for last nights bridge evening. Much enjoyed, much appreciated! Phil & Gill Hi Patrick Mike & Pauline are coming. Can you get in touch with Branco? Hope it's not too late. See you shortly. Elaine
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