If a man walks in the woods for love of them half of each day, he is in
danger of being regarded as a loafer. But if he spends his days as a
speculator, shearing off those woods and making the earth bald before her
time, he is deemed an industrious and enterprising citizen. -Henry David
Thoreau, naturalist and author (1817-1862)

Hi Pat & Corinne, Thank you so much for the lovely card and, of course, the kind invitation. I'm back in Stockholm since 30 April (back on the Island 4 July), so unfortunately, for my part, it will have to be a distant celebration. I do hope you are both doing fine. I don't get Pat's Facebook reports since his account was hijacked (again, WHAT HAPPENED, AND HAVE YOU DEALT WITH IT?).
For myself, my main focus since I came back here has been on selling the family cabin (my sister is happy), and on the surgery I'm having on my groin (hernia) on Tuesday.
Spring is three or four weeks later here compared to Courtenay, but still it's coming on, and the weather is mostly sunny. Today is Valpurgia, with bonfires, and choir singing, and all the witches traveling on a broom to Blue Mountain, and, had I been slightly younger and fitter, I would have marched tomorrow in support of all the socialists in the world, including Bernie.
Anyway, I look forward to seeing the two of you in the summer. May be you would like to visit us in the beach house? Half of the shed has been turned into a really nice guest room. All the best, for the celebration, and in life! Kjell
Hello Valpurgian and Gianna! Thanks for the anniversary wishes. Sorry to hear about the impending sale of your family cabin. I assume it will be a bit of an emotional wrench for you. Buona Fortuna with surgery. You'll be leaping over the tennis net once you've fully recuperated! Thanks, as well, for the kind invitation to stay at the beach house. Would love to do so but I fear that a visit this summer will not be likely.
Not sure what your experience with Facebook has been but everything seems to back to normal ever since I deleted a few "friends"! Fondestos from Lady Darjeeling to you both! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Max! Since you've won the lottery we now expect first class airline tickets to Vancouver to arrive any day through the post so we can join you in your celebrations! Chance would be a fine thing but we can always dream!
Big congratulations to the 40th anniversary couple! By the way Gudrun and Steve just celebrated their 40th as well on the 23rd of April. They spent a romantic few days in Venice. Lucky Devils! Fondest regards Gayle
Hello My Darling Gayle, and Dearest Derek, of course! Thanks very much for the anniversary wishes. (Congrats to the Venetians as well when next you see them!) Sorry to hear that you have not yet received the First Class air tickets yet. Should be arriving by courier any minute!!! Fondestos from Mme Coriandre to you both! Cheers, Patrizzio!
No prob Patrick, you're super welcome! Thanks for the botanically distinct account of the latest hike also! I am a trained herbalist, so love nomenclature! heehee jenna brown
Hi I’ll be serving tea at the top of the Fur Brigade Trail on Sunday (Mother’s Day) May 8. Sign up be emailing the trail.of.the.okanagans@gmail.com today. It is a ‘light’ hike or bike. Bring your significant other or a friend and turn them on to a very special place seldom visited by locals. Bryn will talk about the reclamation of Ritchie Lake and Dave will give some history of this historic trail. Thanks, Jenna, for supporting this endeavor. Cheers Ellen Woodd
Hi Ellen and Jenna! Hope to meet you both, in person, at some point on the hike. Glad you enjoyed the "nomenclature", Herbalist Jenna! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Sir Pat and Lady Coriander.Thanks so much for your e card. We have noted May14 your special day.Funnily enough and appropriately I will be in Cyprus at that time! I will naturally you a card and probably give you a phone before or after. Glad to get your news and photos as usual and see how much you are doing to the house. Love as ever. Sir James and Lady Patricia.
Hello Darling Lady Patrizzia and Sir James! Thanks very much for the anniversary wishes. Have a wonderful time in Cyprus!!! I had a very long telephone conversation, yesterday, with a Daniel Mac classmate, Erika Kinn and she bumped into Gerald Bartley Bruce Lenton's younger, twin sister, Rhoda, in Winnipeg, a week or so ago! I may well have more news after we visit with Erika this June. We will drive to Falcon to celebrate Mme Coriandre's parents 71st wedding anniversary! Fondestos from Lady Darjeeling to her royal counterparts in England! Cheers, Patrizzio!
We'd love to be there but are leaving for France on the 17th. We'll be there in spirit. Congratulations on 40 years of wedded bliss! Love Gregg and Francesca
Hello Madroña! Thanks very much for the anniversary wishes. Sorry you won't be able to join us. Travel safely. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Good luck with Panama attorney and all Liz's rubies. Sure your wife appreciates it all. Wonderful photos from you hikes as well. Megan Stuart Stubbs also posts lots of things from their new life in Half Moon Bay Beutiful British Columbia! A big hug, Margareta
Hello Dottore! Thanks very much for the good wishes with respect to the rubies! Still sorry you won't be able to join us! Yes, our province is an incredible place! Fondestos from Lady Darjeeling to you, Margareta! Cheers, Patrizzio!
40 years. That's a lot. Corinne is infinitely patient and kind. Love you both and wish we could be there! Randy and Ruth
Hello Texas Tornadoes! Thanks very much for the anniversary wishes even if they are biased in favour of Cora Lee! Still sorry you won't be able to join us! Hello and Fondestos from Lady Darjeeling, in Dreamsville, to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Cornelius! What a wonderful cross-country trip you have planned. I took the train to Vancouver in September 1974 when coming to Library School. Had never been west, farther than Melville, Saskatchewan, at that point, on the railroad, but had been east, as far as Ottawa/Toronto/Montreal on many occasions, first on trips back from Cyprus with my parents and then on extended high school field trips in the '60's.
Must away as we are off the the Farmer's Market shortly. Started last week but today's is supposed to be the first full-blown affair. Need to be back to be ready for Sip and Savor at Pentâge Winery, at noon. When is Olivetti emigrating? Just himself, this trip, I take it. Best wishes to him from us. Fondestos from Lady Darjeeling to you, Bob. How is Anna? Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Lower Mainland Goils! Lovely to hear from you Laura. I understand that you are in Florida, Little Eva and the Imperiales. Trust all goes as well as can be expected, under the circumstances. Lady Darjeeling said she was going to reply to your message, Laura, so I assume you now realize that our anniversary celebrations will be in Vancouver, at Chloë's place. Hope this means that we might see you there!
We strolled down to the Farmer's Market this morning. Started last week but today's had a few more vendors so gradually building up to the first full-blown affair. Needed to be back to be ready for Sip and Savor at Pentâge Winery, at noon. We went along with good friends, Lynne and Peter. Only Peter had been before, just south of town, off Eastside Road. It was their inaugural wine & hors d’oeuvres spring event. Nibbles created by Joy Road Catering, (a wonderful local business), and paired with their wines, all the while mingling with the Pentâge Team! "The ultimate tasting – experiencing the art and science of pairing.", according to their own hype!
Day couldn't have been any more glorious. Same needs to be said for the stunning setting, winery itself and wonderful, wonderful product. Catering by Joy Road was more than delicious so we four were most impressed with everything. Met a number of acquaintances so it was fun to visit with people we knew through other social circles. Event ran from 12:00 to 2pm and afterwards Lynne and Peter stayed for a drink or two on our back patio. Lynne had reached her tipping point so she stuck to water while Lady Dar enjoyed a few glasses of Upper Bench Riesling, their current release. For our part, Jugos Dom Pedro and I had a taste, over ice, of Legend Distillery's Sour Cherry Vodka, (Naramata Bench), neat, as Peter had not tasted it before. This, followed by a snort of Dubh Glas Distillery's Virgin Spirits, 50.1%, (Gallagher Lake), an unflavoured, clear spirit akin to Grappa but far smoother than many offerings of the latter. Nicely whetted, we proceeded to enjoy a fairly stiff G/T made with Dubh Glas' Noteworthy Gin, a remarkable product showing an amazing array of aromatic botanicals.
Thanking the Naramatians for suggesting and arranging the Sip and Savour event, we waved goodbye when it was time for them to depart. Lady Dar is now snoozing on her recliner, on the back patio, her head shaded from the late afternoon rays by the built in cover, snoring charmingly, almost blissfully. I'm rather sleepy myself but have too, too much correspondence screaming for attention so I must digitate away. Fondestos from Lady Darjeeling, in Dreamsville, to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Market this morning; Sip and Savour this afternoon. Group shot with many of the folk we met over course of afternoon. Back home!
Hi Pat, Now I am Cornelius, as in Cornelius Van Horne? Well, I want to be Cornelius Krieghoff instead. I am better off doing genre painting then laying track. Oliver likes the perks of life over there more, but maybe here feels like a second home, although Vancouver might have been all downhill since the Kits Hotel closed the hostel wing. Out here, it's more like an army camp: bugle call at dawn, dish washing duties galore and absolutely no access to world class soccer. Of course he carries his weight these days. He is also acting as an art supply mule for Ellie and I. Soon paints will be fortified with Schminke watercolours and gouaches. Just him this time. We will go over to Ellieland as well as Seattle, as you already know.
Had guests from Germany in April and now Werner, confirmed this morning, that he is coming around June 3, for two weeks. You and Corinne met him in 2007, when we made a flypast, to the Island Inn. Bob See you soon on Wall Street. Bob
Dear soon to be millionaires, Fingers and toes crossed that you win and Corinne gets her jewels and we get a fully paid business trip to Penticton! Could you take a photo of the front side area where I pruned the grasses, I would love to see if the plants responded? We are still desperate for rain, had a measly 5mm last night but the temperatures are still around 28C! Must go as Trevor is cracking the whip for brekkie. Love Tina xx
Hello Teens and Starving Trevorino! Sorry to hear that you have not yet received the First Class air tickets yet. Should be arriving by courier any minute!!! Fondestos from Lady Darjeeling, in Dreamsville, to you both! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: Results of pruning!
Hi Robert! Trust you are well. I continue to enjoy Beer Crafty News. While you were at Rail Brewery, or some other watering hole, we visited Pentâge Winery. Best wishes to Bridge Lads. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick, Good to hear you news and glad that you are enjoying the finer things of life: alcohol, food and sunshine. I will pass on your wishes to the Vancouver bridge bums on Monday. All the best, Robert.
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