Sunday, 10 April 2016

Patio Garden Hose Hook-up Blues: Sunday, April 10th!

A word after a word after a word is power. -Margaret Atwood, poet and novelist (b. 1939)

Dear Patrick and Corinne Love the landscaping work you are doing! Looks like it is shaping up nicely. After being here in Portugal I am keen to create cobbled mosaic patio areas with ceramic tiles incorporated somewhere and then just have large ceramic or earthenware pots to grow a few vegetables.

I really like Portugal and the Portuguese people. Yesterday aside visits to a few port houses we went to our favourite seaside cafe the Tavi and I had Whittington Earl Grey Light and Colin an espresso and we shared a chocolate sauced crepe. So good. Off to the Douro Valley today looking forward to following the river scenery should be a bit different than the South. Please take care and don't work too hard in the garden. Lots of love for now Joanne and Colin

Well, we made it to Folgosa. Big thunder storm this morning in Porto, so waited for a break before setting out. The first part of the journey was on a freeway. Then it was mountain roads - narrow, many switchbacks, and a bit hairy. Made it to the Douro valley where things levelled out. Our hotel is right on the river, half way between the two major towns in the area. Nice new establishment with its own house port. Made by the receptionist's grandfather, and very good - had to buy a bottle or two. Drove around a bit and saw the incredibly steep terraced vineyards. Very pretty area. Realized I had omitted the name of the producer of the ten year old white port - it was Vasconcello. Tomorrow we are of to Coimbra, an ancient university town. Colin

Hi again, White Port-Soaked People! We both remain enthralled by your marvellous travelogues! I certainly appreciated your comments, Jo-Anne, on ceramic tiles and earthenware pots. I have always been  attracted to these materials in garden settings, in particular. Also appreciated your note not to work too hard in the garden! Peter's fabulous home-made Chardonnay is similar, in a way, I'm sure, to "house port" you mentioned, Colin. Cheers, Patrizzio!

It's good to see you working for a change! Apologies for tardiness in writing. Time has a habit of speeding up as one gets older don't you think? All is looking good at your place. The louvered patio roof sounds like a grand idea in your neck of the woods since I would imagine shade is essential in your climate and the added benefit of keeping out the rain. Looking forward to seeing all your improvements when we get back over for a visit.

Like you I have had a few chores of my own. Our back fence finally succumbed to the elements in a storm hitting our shores complements of North America! It was a real hassle dismantling the old one before I could start since we had a wisteria and pyracantha growing on the old one. I had to gingerly take this off the old fence and support and protect them before pulling down the old fence and starting the process of building the new one. I had to use fairly substantial timber since these two plants require a good support so a flimsy decorative fence would not have been man enough to stand the test of time. Just a little more to do on the side and that job is finished. I have also finally got the greenhouse erected and am very pleased with the result. I built a planter for the inside and have planted out a selection of tomato plants which I grew from seed. Have also started aubergine, mini cucumbers for pickling in the autumn and various annuals. Have just started off various tender herbs from seed so am hoping that they all germinate.

We went to Southampton week before last to pick up Tristan, since it was half term, and brought him back to Cornwall. Marnie and the dog came down last week and to spend the week with us and they all went back on Friday. Weather was a mixed bag as is normal for Cornwall. Some really fine days and some cold and grey! Fortunately, Tris loves being outdoors regardless of the weather so we went beaching or walking rain or shine! When Marnie was down I took the dog to the beach early each morning and most of the time had the sands almost to myself. Seems people don't like early morning strolls on the beach. We did other fun things with Tris like Easter egg hunt at Trelissick, making sand castles, making up games etc etc so after the two weeks was over granny and grandad were ready for rest! Marnie was supposed to work on her Phd while here but I didn't see much activity of that front! She has agreed to become chair of governors at the Orchard school and on top of that has been cajoled into writing a chapter on Primary language education for a book on Primary education that a colleague at the university is working on. I told her she needs to learn the word "no" and use it more often!

Went out for a day with Steve and Gudrun the week before we had Tristan. They were heading up to Wimborne to look after the boys at half term. They are off to Venice later this month to celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary. They are planning a trip over to Denver in the autumn to see her brothers and sister and to attend a wedding. Marg's daughter Julie is getting married next month for the second time so that will be a noisy gathering of the extended family.

We have nothing much planned at the moment apart from the Baltic cruise in early August. The problem we have now is that I cannot leave my greenhouse tomatoes etc for any length of time! The cat is far less problematic. Never thought about this before I ventured into the world of glasshouse horticulture! May have to limit any trips to the autumn and winter when nothing is growing! Had to get a new car this month which hurt the pocket book! Actually it's not brand new but still cost more than I really wanted to pay. Why are cars so much more expensive here than North America? Very annoying. Picking the SUV up mid May so will send you a picture.

The lady that bought Maureen and Bills place is putting it back up for sale again! She is finding the place too much for her to manage and I think she finds the rooms, particularly the living room, quite intimidating. She said she feels a bit like Miss Haversham sitting in that room. Not sure why she bought it in the first place since she lives on her own and doesn't appear to have anyone over. Things aren't moving that fast here so she may well be there for a while!
Have attached a few photos.. Best wishes to you both

Hello again, Cornwall! Thanks for wonderful pictures, Derek. We are both terribly impressed with your amazing handiwork, both in carpentry,  and in culinary endeavours, of course! Especially, with respect to the former. Hats off to you, Master Builder Derek, and your more than successful campaign against the wisteria and pyracantha combatants! Bravo! Hip Hip Hooray!! The fence, (We now know when to invite you and Gayle to visit: when our fence needs to be replaced!), looks like a mini-Maginot Line and the stunning green-house like the Crystal Palace! Continue to enjoy all the wonderful beach walks and other outings in your stupendous part of the world! All the best to you both, dear freinds. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Patrick. Thanks for the email. It appears you've done quite a bit of work to make your home more lovely and suited to your particular aesthetic. And an early start on a garden! I too may be involved in a major house project if I decide to buy a place I'm currently looking at in Courtenay. It is a private sale and I've been given 2 weeks to decide if I want to buy it before they advertise publicly. It is in the old orchard area of Courtenay with a very unique view of mountains, 11 acres of old orchard and meadow with the Puntledge River in the background. 

The house is problematic in I would have a complete renovation on my hands. I was not looking for a major project but I am absolutely smitten with this view. I have Adrian checking it out today as he passes through Courtenay and Kevin (who is in Winnipeg right now) look at it next weekend. I need a few 'expert' opinions from 'builders' to know if I this undertaking is worthwhile and sound! I am positioned, with realtor, to strike quickly and sell my house if I decide to buy this house. All of which means I could be moving in less than 2 months! 

On another note....I really enjoyed my trip to Mexico. Staying at Agneta's was lovely and a real treat. We did a lot together. Hiking, boogie boarding, meals and wine and socializing in the community. I enjoyed meeting her and we have agreed to keep in touch! My plan to go to Vernon for June will likely not occur if I decide to move. Do you guys have any specific plans for summer or are you sticking close to home? Talk soon, Lynette ✌
Let me know if you got my email as I got a mail delivery failed notice.

Hi again, Major Project Person! Yes, your two messages came through, loud and clear! Buona Fortuna with latest real estate venture. Exciting, exciting indeed!!!
However, speaking frankly, from our own perspective, we have more than enough with our own place, in terms of making various and sundry, fairly minor improvements, at least undertaking them ourselves, as opposed to paying for work to be done,  without even beginning to think about taking on another such major project! Painting the fence, in a few weeks, and then the hallway, two bedrooms, and study, as time and visitors and finances allow, will be enough of a challenge! However, your spot sounds idyllic so we both wish you extremely well and trust you will make the decision which best suits you and your dreams! Cheers, Patrizzio!

All very exciting! Can't wait to see the real thing this summer. One more week here and then I migrate north, with the birds. Love, Agneta 

Hi again, Migratory Person! Travel safely! Just this morning had a lovely message from Lynette. She mentioned what a wonderful time you spent together. Terrific when friends of friends connect. Not sure if you know but  she is currently looking at buying 11 acres of old orchard, near Courtenay, with, apparently, a unique view of the mountains and the Puntledge River. House, unfortunately, would require a complete renovation so she is waiting for advice from both her son, Adrian, and former brother-in-law, Kevin, a very successful and accomplished builder.

Must away as the garden hose fittings call and Lady Dar is off to Oasis where she is to do the church announcements. We are hosting a table of bridge this evening and will probably play outside. Won't be a late night as the two other players are members of the hiking group I have joined and we have a fairly decent hike on Monday: "We are going to try Mount Hawthorn, beside Mahony Lake. Chuck and Tony will be our fearless leaders. This is normally a 5 hour hike, but we did it last year at 4 hours. So this will be longer and more challenging than our normal Monday hikes." Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Sunset; sliver of moon; Lady Dar; warming my tootsies; dinner!

[Today's catch by friend Peter in his vineyard. Try hiding this under your T-shirt Arv! Reply: Apprears to be a very large groundhog, almost beaver size......must have been digging up the ground all over the place...?]
Hello again, Great White Hunter and Lurkin'! Are you sure this isn't the same marmot? Still, we are both terribly impressed with your amazing trapping skills, Coureur de Bois Boy! On another, far more disturbing note, I take it you heard about the terrible temple catastrophe, caused by a fireworks explosion, in Kerala!  On a brighter note, after Mme Coriandre returned from her fab outing with Runway Lady, she changed into an haute couture gardening outfit and spent much of the remainder of the afternoon working on berms! Cheers, Patrizzio! PS: I just dug up a recipe for braised marmot, marinated in Riesling, so please bring along your next captive!

Patrick, Congratulations on your new patio roof. I’m sure it’s going to be wonderful. Peter

Septic service from Sandy Lake, Manitoba.

Hello again, Jokester! Thanks for latest smile, Arv! All the best to you both and my favourite mother-in-law! Cheers, Patrizzio! HealthFreedoms – Canada is Literally Selling Air To The Chinese Hello to Manitoba's Leading Investigative Journalist! I can only imagine how the sales would go right through the roof if this company sold air, infused with vapours  from the Stool Bus! Start buying shares!!! Cheers, Patrizzio the Snooz!!!


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