A new word is like a fresh seed sown on the ground of the discussion. -Ludwig Wittgenstein, philosopher (26 Apr 1889-1951)
Lazy sleep-in, enjoying the luxury of listening to the radio as I stretched and yawned before enjoying my mug of java. Lady Darjeeling is back this evening so I'll have to have the house ready for inspection when she returns with her white gloves, checking surfaces for evidence of dust! At least most of the bottles in the malt cabinet have been wiped clean, if only from constant use!
Hello! Tony and I are in Adelaide for a vacation and to attend a wedding. Tony has first cousins and a Zia who is 92. This side of his family emigrated from Italy in the 50's. Weird listening to Italians with Australian accents. We are on a wine tour today in the Borassa Valley.and I might be a little drunk. Now at. Greenock Creek. Sending pics. Also went to three previous wineries. Can't guarantee which photos are which at this point.
I am very thirsty. Drank too much. Did I mention I'm engaged? E Drunk now. Sorry for lack of detail I love the colour red E
Hello Pushy Luise and Short Order Dave! First of all, thank you for the lovely visit. It really was wonderful to meet you. Thanks, of course, for the marvellous wine and all the help, in the kitchen, you both so willingly contributed. Only thing missing was Mme Coriandre's presence, unfortunately.
Thanks, as well, for yesterday's message. I had hoped to reply sooner, especially after I discovered the card you craftily left on my camel pack and the more than generous gift certificate! You certainly didn't need to do that but it is, of course, much appreciated. Thanks again but please don't tell Lady Dar as I need it to replenish malt cabinet and she'll expect to spend it on wine!
I just finished editing snaps of yesterday's outing and silly account I like to include. Wanted you to see what you missed! Sorry it simply didn't work out this time. Hope all went well on return journey, ferry sailings and such. Again, thanks for everything, great weekend and terrific dinner on Friday. Cora Lee is back around 7:00 pm this evening so I hope to have oven cleaned by then! Trust we will be able to visit you on Denman, at some point in the not too, too distant future, or else see you back here at Burns Street. You are always welcome as long as you don't bring Spumoni along! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Dearest John Constable! How delightful to hear from you! I enjoyed, and muchly so, your rather informed and informative treatise on bristle brushes and kerosene. Alack and alas, Lady Dar is still wedded to foamies, but I will endeavour to convert her, before we commence the coming, full-scale assault on the perimeter fencing. Wonderful that Commitment II is in such fine nick. Thank you for the grand invitation to sail the Salish Sea but I fear that a visit this summer will not be likely. We are almost fully booked for the next month or so and then we are off to Winnipeg/Falcon, (Departure date not yet set in stone but first week or so of June, I suspect.), to celebrate, among other things, Rosita's and Dusty's 71st wedding anniversary. Back just before the beginning of July as we have a clutch of ex-Swiss boarders descending! And on and on and on!
Not complaining, just reporting the facts, "Just the facts m'am!" Sad to say, I just discovered that Joe Friday never said this on Dragnet. Another misattributed quotation but why let truth get in the way of a more than terrific catchphrase!
Have had a houseful of guests ever since last Sunday. Rosemary and Andre, (Sumptuous dwellings in both London and Chabeuil, a charming village about two hours southeast of Lyon, about an hour north of Châteauneuf-du-Pape!), were here until last Thursday, (In fact, I was, by then, in Vancouver, having driven in on Wednesday.), but Lady Dar was able to keep the Freeloaders at bay all by her lonesome. I blasted back on Friday morning while she bused it to the Big Smoke for the weekend to attend a baby shower. a christening and her Book Club!
I needed to be home to receive Luise and Dave, from Denman, for the weekend. They teach at MUN but are on sabbatical. They are close friends of a hiking companion, Spamela, but her apartment is too small for them to stay. When she told me that they would probably book a motel I invited them to stay with us, not knowing, at the time, that Lady Dar would be away. Didn't really matter but I know they would have enjoyed meeting her and vice versa.
Must away as I need to brush, (wolverine bristles only!), the red carpet in readiness for her Ladyship's imminent return. Of course we'd love to see you both here, especially now that the shackles of indenturedom have been removed!
Thanks for the wine tip. I think I know the wine, by Errazuriz if I'm not mistaken. I agree, terrific value. Did you crunch it through the Value/Taste Index? My tip is for a 2013 Duas Quintas, Douro, 14%, roughly the same price, about $18-19, with tax. Was introduced to it last Wednesday when I had a brief visit with former colleague, Jo-Anne Naslund and her husband, Colin, just back from Portugal. I plan to taste most of the offerings available here as I think they will send the VTI through the roof! Fondestos to Jeannie Sue. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Jake/Dave at book launch, being interviewed by Global; talking to a vet's widow; Virginia, his Mexican amore; telling a bit about the stories included; Bob Tennant, owner/grape grower at Terravista, (Land was once owned by Jake as he had a small cattle ranch there!), on the Naramata Bench; Dave, Luise, Sanka, wine-maker, (She used to make Nota Bene for Black Hills), Spumoni and adoring Benjamin! Jake built all the stone walls on the property; Fire-pit Freeloaders at the Burns Street Gin Joint and Hot Sheets Hotel!
Hi Patrick Your wine knowledge is indeed remarkable - who would even think a Chilean wine would be associated with a name like Errazuriz unless by some random linkage to eastern European aristocracy? (But yes it is the same wine I referred to as the Max Reserve with a value-cost ratio in excess of 5.0 !). I will certainly sample the Duas Quintas - (a 2013 Chilean?) and calculate the vcr.
It is an odd coincidence that you mentioned Jake Snyder. Not that I know him (or at least I don't know that I know him or have met him) but that tomorrow evening I am attending a mess dinner for former naval reservists (the UNTD) and regulars at the Royal Victoria Yacht Club - and likely meeting a number of former naval cadets and officers I would have encountered over 50 years ago.
I trust your preparation for the return of your loved one will meet with complete approval, John
Hello Drunk, Colour Red and Red Wine Lover! Terrific to hear from you, amidst your intoxicated travels! Congratulations on your engagement! Hip Hip Hooray! [Just for your information, Mme Coriandre is in the process of obtaining her license to become a registered Officiant so if you are looking for someone to "hitch" you and your amore, she will be available! Have it here, at one of the wineries since you'll probably need to go to rehab once back from Barossa! She has already been booked to marry close friends, Rebecca and Corey, a year this coming August!]
Thanks for all the snaps. Glad you were able to visit Barossa, [I note that your ability to spell has also been impaired!], one of our favourite regions. If you have time and sobriety, visit McLaren Vale as well. You can cycle on the Shiraz Trail there. Or Claire Valley, above Barossa, where it is the Riesling Trail. More wonderful, wonderful wines, of course. Any chance of a visit this summer? Let us know and we'll plan accordingly. You are always welcome, Aquitaine!
Must away as I want to go for a ride before Lady Dar puts me in fence painting shackles. Fondestos to you, dearest Aquitaine, from Lady Dar. Cheers, Patrizzio!
.... when are you going to publish your first book ... and who is Mad Max, a new victim?! Kisses from coconut oil Sita & desperately seeking Ramayana
Hello Coconut Cupcake Sita and Randy Rama!Hello Coconut Cupcake Sita and Randy Rama! Terrific, as always, to hear from you, amidst sand, surf and suntan oil! I'm surprised you can even text, given the bandages on your every sunburnt digits! I'm touched that you think I should publish but I'll leave that endeavour for Jake! Must away as I want to go for a ride before Lady Dar claps on the leg irons! Fondestos to you both from her. Cheers, Patrizzio!
My goodness, what a wonderful story of our wildflower adventure yesterday! Thanks for sharing. Although I can't get the pictures. Linda I have just looked at all the pictures on the computer. Great shots, thanks again. I think it was just too many to open on the tablet! Linda
Hi Linda! Glad you enjoyed my silly account of hike and were finally able to open album. Incredible outing, indeed! Lady Darjeeling didn't make the Flatlander outing as she contracted a nasty cold over ther weekend in Vancouver. Still her cough doesn't seem to be keeping her from wanting to clap me in fence painting shackles! Must away as I would rather go for a ride and if I'm crafty enough I might make my getaway before she realizes that I'm not carrying out her orders! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick Thanks for the hike details, we're sorry we missed it too! Next time. We did make it to Vancouver in good time and meet up with Anita. Had a great lunch at Caderos by the Bayshore. The pass on the Connector was treacherous, with freezing fog. Slippery and cold!
Lots to catch up with in the next week, both with work and getting things done here, such as the fence and patio. We have visitors arriving in a week. Hope it's not too messy!! Please say hi to Corinne and hope we meet again soon. Luise and Dave Ps won't say a word to Corinne! Hi Patrick, Thanks again for the lovely time. Hope to see you and Corinne on Denman sometime. Cheers, David
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